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Dependency Management

It is very useful to use existing packages for specific functionality, instead of always writing code from scratch. It lowers the burden of maintaining code for your project.

PHP has robust tools for dependency management to efficiently manage these external packages.


Composer is the standard tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. It is similar in function to npm in JavaScript, or ruby's bundler.

There are a plethora of PHP libraries that are compatible with Composer and ready to be used in your project. These “packages” are listed on Packagist, the official repository for Composer-compatible PHP libraries.

How to Install Composer

Composer can be installed as a local dependency on each project, or globally as a system wide executable.

Composer installation docs

How to Define and Install Dependencies

Composer keeps track of your project’s dependencies in a file called composer.json. You can manage it by hand if you like, or use Composer itself. The composer require command adds a project dependency and if you don’t have a composer.json file, one will be created.

The composer.json file should typically go in the top-most directory of your project/VCS repository.

Learn more about the makeup of the composer.json file.

To declare dependencies, we will refer to each depency by its package name, which consists of a vendor name and the project's name. The vendor name generally refers to either an overaching parent project, or the organization that created the package. The project name is the name of the specific project within that vendor name space. All Composer packages must be vendor-namespaced. This means Composer only allows packages such as "symfony/finder" and "nette/finder", but never stand-alone package names such as "finder".

Here’s an example that adds Twig as a dependency of your project.

composer require twig/twig

You can also specify a specific version of a package, a minimum version, or any range of versions, using version constraints.

composer require twig/twig:^2.0

The preceeding command specifies a minimum version of 2.0, and any version in the 2.x series, but not 3.0 or above. Composer packages follow semantic versioning.

Alternatively, the composer init command will guide you through creating a full composer.json file for your project. Either way, once you’ve created your composer.json file you can tell Composer to download and install your dependencies into the vendor/ directory. This also applies to projects you’ve downloaded that already provide a composer.json file:

composer install

Next, add this line to your application’s primary PHP file; this will tell PHP to use Composer’s autoloader for your project dependencies.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Now you can use your project dependencies, and they’ll be autoloaded on demand.

Updating your dependencies

Composer creates a file called composer.lock which stores the exact version of each package it downloaded when you first ran composer install. If you share your project with others, ensure the composer.lock file is included, so that when they run composer install they’ll get the same versions as you. To update your dependencies, run composer update. Don’t use composer update when deploying, only composer install, otherwise you may end up with different package versions on production.

This is most useful when you define your version requirements flexibly. For instance, a version requirement of ~1.8 means “anything newer than 1.8.0, but less than 2.0.x-dev”. You can also use the * wildcard as in 1.8.*. Now Composer’s composer update command will upgrade all your dependencies to the newest version that fits the restrictions you define.

Checking your dependencies for security issues

The Local PHP Security Checker is a command-line tool, which will examine your composer.lock file and tell you if you need to update any of your dependencies.

Block packages with known vulnerabilities

roave/security-advisories is a composer meta-package that has no functional code by itself, but has a composer.json file that prevents packages and package versions with known vulnerabilities from being installed.

composer require --dev roave/security-advisories:dev-latest

Running above, or adding roave/security-advisories to require-dev section in the composer.json file in a project does the trick. Once installed, any packages with known vulnerabilities will be considered a conflict package version, and Composer will refuse to install the vulnerable package or the vulnerable version of one.

A Drupal-specific advisories list (that can be used in addition to roave/security-advisories) and a WordPress list are also available.

Handling global dependencies with Composer

Composer can also handle global dependencies and their binaries. Usage is straight-forward, all you need to do is prefix your command with global. If for example you wanted to install PHPUnit and have it available globally, you’d run the following command:

composer global require phpunit/phpunit

This will create a ~/.composer folder where your global dependencies reside. To have the installed packages’ binaries available everywhere, you’d then add the ~/.composer/vendor/bin folder to your $PATH variable.

Packagist is the main Composer repository. A Composer repository is basically a package source: a place where you can get packages from. Packagist aims to be the central repository that everybody uses. This means that you can automatically require any package that is available there, without further specifying where Composer should look for the package.

If you go to the website, you can browse and search for packages.

Any open source project using Composer is recommended to publish their packages on Packagist. A library does not need to be on Packagist to be used by Composer, but it enables discovery and adoption by other developers more quickly.

The Packagist repository is automatically configured as a source repository for Composer.

Learn more about Composer

To learn more about how Composer works, visit the official Composer documentation site.