IDEs and Code Editors
PhpStorm - A full Integrated Development Environment (IDE) geared towards PHP development. Commercial, US $199.00 / year or US $19.90 / month.
- PhpStorm - Getting Started - official documentation from JetBrains, developers of PhpStorm.
- How Jeffrey Would Setup PHPStorm - video tutorial from Jeffrey Way of Laracasts.
VS Code
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) - A popular open-source code editor, with built-in PHP support, like syntax highlighting and bracket matching, IntelliSense (code completion), and you can add more functionality through community-created extensions.
- PHP in Visual Studio Code.
- Transform VS Code into a Formidable PHP Experience - video tutorial from Andrew Schmelyun of Laracasts.
Vim (or Vi IMproved) is one of the oldest and most popular open source text editors. CLI based, included (and/or pre-installed) with most Linux and Unix-like systems including macOS. Extremely powerful, but with a steep learning curve.
- Vim Mastery - video tutorial series from Laracasts.
Other popular editors include: Atom, Brackets, Bluefish, Notepad++, TextMate
Sublime Text
Sublime Text - Commercial $99 USD for 3 years of updates. A popular text editor with support for numerous languages including PHP.
- Sublime Text Mastery - video tutorial series from Laracasts.