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Api documentation comments

API module parses documentation and code in PHP files, and it expects documentation to be in a specific format. Writing format was originally based on Doxygen, but it has evolved into something that has its own set of tags and a lot of Drupal-specific functionality. The API module parses documentation that is in special documentation blocks (known as "docblocks") .

Below are the rules for writing comments for the php files.

  • The special documentation tags described are only recognized within special PHP comment blocks that start with /**. These are known as docblocks.
  • In-code comment lines starting with // and comment blocks starting with /* are not recognized as docblocks.
  • Docblocks normally have * at the beginning of each line, and the API module strips these out when formatting the documentation.
  • To make a paragraph break in a docblock, leave a blank line. Some tags also trigger paragraph breaks: @param, @return, @see, @var. The API module does not support blank lines within a single tag's documentation .
  • The first paragraph of a docblock is known as the summary.
  • To document a function, class, etc., the docblock must appear directly before the item being documented, with no blank line in between.
  • Every function, constant, class, interface, class member (function, property, constant), and file must be documented, even private class members.
  • All summaries (first lines of docblocks) must be under 80 characters, start with a capital letter, and end with a period (.).
  • When implementing a hook, use a short summary of the form "Implements hook_menu()."
  • The @var tag can document variables in addition to class properties.
  • Hook implementation - /**
  • Implements hook_help(). */
  • Update functions (implementations of hook_update_N()) -
  * Add several fields to the {node_revision} table.
  * Longer description can go here, if necessary.
  * Callbacks for built-in PHP functions -
    * [standard first line]
    * Callback for uasort() within system_themes_page().
  * Form-generating functions -
  * Form constructor for the user login form.
  * @param string $message
  * The message to display.
  * @see user_login_form_validate()
  * @see user_login_form_submit()
  * @ingroup forms
  function user_login_form($form, &$form_state, $message = '') {
  • @file: Documenting files -
 * @file
 * The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.
 * The theme system allows for nearly all output of the Drupal system to be
 * customized by user themes.

Resources Complete list of doc standards and keywords and usage can be found on the above link.